Day # 1 of Painting

Have you ever just woken up and thought, "I feel like going on a journey today?"or have you just felt like challenging yourself? Well today I woke up and half way through my day I thought to myself that for the rest of my summer I am going to paint, draw, or simply just sketch once a day no matter how big or small it is. I also want it to have some sort of theme or challenge that goes along with it as well, so here I go!

Day #1 of Painting is..(Drum roll Plz)...Abstract!

Abstract art is something i've always hated... This painting used mixed media such as acrylic paint,newspaper, and a paper bag. This took awhile to make especially because of all the layers of paint. For this I didnt really care how it would turn out while making it but the process of all the layers and just creating shapes by dripping paint. I also used radial symmetry and short choppy brush strokes for the yellow background which sadly you cannot see in the picture. Hope you enjoy it! If not, even better! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!:D

    This reminded me of James always talking about dripping blood. xD
