Self Portrait

The main idea for my self portrait was to have both a full body portrait of myself and a profile portrait of myself but all in words, layering eachother to make it look like my face with color. I had never thought about doing my self portrait like this before but I had seen another one with words but it was a straight on profile portrait in greyscale. I wanted to take mine a step further so I created a shadow with words in it, as well as words in the background. I also had no idea what I was goin to have for the words but I decided to ask classmates words they thought portrayed me and words I thought portrayed myself. I think this turned out really well and many told me they could see it being in a magazine but one thing i would have changed is maybe the background and how the words are placed and have more relationship to my figure and the ground. I think this is a great example from a design standpoint and how the space is used as well. Even though it took me a long time staring in fount of a computer screen I think it really paid off and im happy with this self portrait.

1 comment:

  1. The process of how this evolved was really fun for me to watch. I love where you went with it and how you tried to keep making it more complex. I think it is a strong piece and definitely a direction for you to continue working in.
